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Innovation at MacDill Air Force Base

From May 20-22, 2024, Jeffrey Adling, AMC's Dedicated Success & Transformation Lead from Productable facilitated a series of innovation modules to the Bolt Cell at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL.


Module 1

In this module, the group provides individual definitions and characterics of innovation, addresses General Minihan's Mobility Manifesto references to innovation, and the story of the Boxed Canyon.

Module 2



Every Airman is an ideator, because every Airmen experiences pain from the status quo. Ideators become innovators when they do the hard work to challenge the champions of the status quo. In this module we discuss the relationship between innovation and bureaucracy and how to battle stagnation.

Module 3



Innovation is readiness. In this discussion, we cover how the spectrum between the known and unknown is responsible for the status quo of innovation in large organizations.

Module 4



Lean Startup is a methodology popularized in the startup world, defined by "iterative learning" in which entrepreneurs and innovators rapidly develop their products and services through cheap and fast experimentation, with validated learning. In this discussion, we define the primary elements of Lean Startup.

Module 5



The Bolt Cell team brainstorms mission-relevant ideas and ultimately selects one to focus on.

Module 6

When an idea is initially considered, we ask these questions:

  • How has the status quo prevented this kind of idea from launching in the first place?
  • What is a rough problem statement? (for more on writing problem statements, check out this article)
  • What is the initial proposed idea?
  • How does the idea align with the goals and mission of the portfolio?
  • Is there a team or champion responsible and accountable for the idea?
  • Are there any commercially or governmentally available solutions to this problem already?

Module 7

After properly sourceing the idea, an innovation team focuses on early idea discovery including conducting user interviews, assessing the potential benefits and risks of a solution, and developing a plan for early prototype experimentation.